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Award-Winning Climate Documentary 2040 Presented by Thrive & Citizen’s Climate Lobby

Award-Winning Climate Documentary 2040 Presented by Thrive & Citizen’s Climate Lobby

Motivated by concerns about the planet his 4-year-old daughter would inherit, filmmaker Damon Gameau embarked on a global journey to meet innovators and changemakers in the areas of economics, technology, civil society, agriculture, education and sustainability. This journey is the central premise for the film 2040, a story of hope that looks at the very real possibility that humanity could reverse global warming and improve the lives of every living thing in the process. Join Thrive and Citizen’s Climate Lobby for a, co-sponsored, screening of the award-winning climate documentary 2040.

Co-sponsored by: Thrive Alliance, Citizens' Climate Lobby (SM Chapter), Acterra, Citizens' Environmental Council (CEC), Extinction Rebellion/XR (San Mateo Chapter) and Sustainable San Mateo County.