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The Parent Venture: Helping Your Children and Teens Discover Their Purpose in Life

The Parent Venture: Helping Your Children and Teens Discover Their Purpose in Life

Join The Parent Venture and their special guest Kendall Cotton Bronk for their upcoming virtual event. Drawing on nearly two decades of scientific research, this live (virtual) event will explore: What is purpose? Why does it matter? And, how can we — as parents — help our children and teens discover their purpose in life?

Kendall Cotton Bronk, PhD, is a professor of psychology in the Division of Behavioral & Social Sciences at Claremont Graduate University. She is the Principal Investigator at the Moral Development Lab, a research organization aimed at understanding how young people develop a sense of purpose.

This presentation is sponsored by Woodside PTSA, SUHSD, Sequoia Healthcare District, Peninsula Health Care District, and The Parent Venture.